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The Assembly of God International is a Christ-centered church. Our purpose is to embrace everyone and bring them into a relationship with Christ to fulfill their ministry under the promise of conquering the nations for our inheritance.
(SL 2:8).
Sharley is responsible for the ADDI church in Viseu/Tondela and general coordinator of theADDI churches in Portugal. He has been married to Gessy Queiroz since 2005. He started to be a worker in 2010 in Brazil, in the city of Belém do Pará, in 2015 he was consecrated to deacon, and two years later in 2017 he was consecrated to pastor. He arrived in Europe the following year, and began to participate in the work in the city of Toulon, and then in Marseille.
In October 2018 Pastor Sharley received an invitation from Pastor Gilmar to go to Portugal. In June 2019, he took office in the city of Viseu and Tondela. In years he inaugurated 7 churches. It has 300 members throughout the territory. Pastor Sharley has the mission of coordinating the ADDI churches in Portugal, and together with other leaders, he has been carrying out evangelistic missions throughout the territory.
"Our mission is to announce Christ so that they may be filled with the love of God"
Pastor Sharley Souza
A pillar of the Missionary Work
(2 Co 9.7)
Serving the Kingdom
It's helping those who need help. (Luke 22:27).
bear fruit
We are to carry forward the kingdom of God on earth. (John 15:5)
Each one should contribute as he has decided in his heart; not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7