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The Assembly of God International is a Christ-centered church. Our purpose is to embrace everyone and bring them into a relationship with Christ to fulfill their ministry under the promise of conquering the nations for our inheritance.
(SL 2:8).
Valdivino has always been to the church because he was from a Christian family, but he stayed away from the ways of the Lord for a few years. He always said that when he got married he would go back to church, he would go back to serving God. And that's exactly how it happened, he met Magna and after that they got married and went to church in 1991, when he had a personal encounter with Christ and decided to return to Jesus. Valdivino and his great wife helped in the work of the Lord in the church, at that time they lived in Brazil. They were also deputy youth ministry leaders for two years and were supportive in other areas as well. Valdivino was consecrated as a deacon in 1998 and continued to serve the Lord by cooperating in the church wherever he was needed. He arrived in France in 2005 and soon looked for a church to congregate, at the time there were only two Brazilian churches, and he went to the Pão da Vida Paris church, where he became leader of the body of workers and was part of the intercession group. After 11 years, God gave them a new direction, and for 7 years they have been part of the ADDI church in Paris. Valdivino remembers that he didn't want to become a missionary, and when Pr. Gilmar asked him if he wanted to do the mission, he believes he gave the worst answer he could give saying that he was not interested in the mission, then God began to move in their lives, and they went through many struggles, difficulties, and God He made them understand that he and his wife had a mission call. They then changed their way of thinking and understood the importance of doing a mission. In 2021 pr. Daniel invited them to lead the ADDI church in Reims. Presbyter Valdivino and his wife travel from Paris to Reims to hold services in this city every Sunday.
"Doing a mission is essential, and announcing the gospel is the duty of all of us"
Elder Valdivino Melo
A pillar of missionary work
(2 Cor 9:7)
Serving the kingdom
It's helping those who need help.
(Luke 22:27).
bear fruit
We are to carry forward the kingdom of God on earth. (John 15:5)
Each one should contribute as he has decided in his heart; not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7